
”From the bad I see the good, From the troubles I see redemption” - Rabbi Akiva

  Rabbi Akiva “From the bad I see the good. From the troubles I see the redemption.” Rabbi Akiva said: “Beloved are sufferings” – a person should appreciate troubles, because from the troubles we grow. Without troubles a person does not access the deepest recesses of his potential. A great person becomes greater from great troubles.

One major flaw in Protestant Christianity is….

…..that it will pick and choose from Catholic tradition if it serves its purpose.  For instance, they would believe all the Catholic traditional     accounts as to how most of Jesus' disciplines died for their faith, and yet, when it comes from Catholic tradition about the five Marian dogmas, they will only accept one, which is the virgin birth of Jesus because that is recorded in the Christian scriptures. But they will reject the other four - Mary as the Immaculate Conception, Mary the Mother of God, Mary's perpetual virginity, and Mary's Assumption into Heaven. They pick and choose by way of convenience.

The greatest irony of Sola Scriptura….

…… is that what counts as "Scripture" was completely decided by the Catholic Church. The authority of Scripture rests on the authority of the RCC. They not only chose what went in the New Testament, but they forged almost half the books in it. 13 out of 27 books in the NT are pseudepigraphical (falsely attributed work, a text whose claimed author is not the true author, or a work whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past).  The Christian Bible is only the Bible because the Catholic Church said so and really only because a Roman Emperor said so

Give yourself praise

  “I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinions of himself than on the opinions of others.”  — Marcus Aurelius Sure, receiving praise feels good. It is positive approval of our work and gives us a sense of acceptance. But what happens if we don’t get the recognition we think we deserve? Should everyone expect to be acknowledged for their hard work? Does it change our approach towards our goal? As we become older, the compliments and appreciation become less frequent. Everyone becomes wrapped up in their own world and we sometimes forget to speak on one another’s value. Instead of reacting angrily or being disappointed because someone didn’t recognize our efforts, we should give ourselves praise. Depending on others to encourage us or acknowledge our work can have a negative affect us. If we don’t receive praise, we may begin to second guess ourself, or even react by sabotaging our own wo...

Freedom and truth are a burden

Freedom is a burden in the sense that we have to tolerate those freedoms that we may personally not agree with. Because who am I to compel you to live the way I want you to live. Freedom and liberty must to be rooted in a mutual respect. Would you rather people tolerate you and your freedoms or compel and threaten you to change them? It is better to tolerate those Liberties than to try and compel people to give them up. “If we are ever to lose the liberty of open speech we lose the ability to know what truth” John Milton – Areopagitica Without the ability to speak your honest opinion you can’t argue for the Liberties you desire to keep. Because we don’t all think the same, we don’t hold the same opinions. The burden of freedom and the truth can be a hard pill to swallow. We may be unwilling to unpack, think about, or face some truth in our life especially if it goes against our way of life or if it can completely change the current view of what we deem is right and wrong. “all that tru...

Do Your Best

  Doing your best is always worth it, even though you do not “win” every time.

People today

  People used to worry about survival, day to day life struggles. Too busy to be concerned about other peoples lives, politics, every thing else going on in the world.   Today, with so much free time they concern themselves with what everyone else is doing. Their minds are flooded with uninformed thoughts and supposed cares of the entire world…violence, climate change, economy, wokeness, etc.